Thursday, January 22, 2009

Fires of Pompeii 19 January 2009

David Register dropped by tonight and we drank some good rum and watched some cool Doctor Who. We reviewed some episodes and finally found one that he had not seen. Before showtime, however, we watched some extras from the Season Four DVD set, especially the one called "Four Years On" where they tell the story of how the series came back and how it prospered.

This is a special episode for me. It taught me a profound moral lesson. I had been to Bangladesh and I had seen some pretty severe poverty, and when people asked for help my Bangladeshi hosts would tell me, "You can't save them all." Donna confronts this in the episode and that is what the Doctor tells her. She responds, as I learned to, with the line, "Yes, but I can help one." I don't need to save everyone, I just need to help someone.

This episode is and will be special for me.

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